We hit 10K for July on July 25th
This is a back pay, which means we need to payout for July 25 - August 4.
Winners will be selected from the can count on those dates.
We need 10 players minimum for this game to payout!
This Game will close @9pm on 8/8/24
Check back within 48 hours to claim your prize after playing the game.

1 Million Cans Man offers you a chance to pick your own flavor in any size
container, (aluminum, plastic, glass or metal).
Game is played every Thursday from 9am until 9:00pm
You tell us what flavor you want, and what size you want it in.
You decide if you want it in paper cup, plastic bottle, aluminum cans, carton, etc;
Your beverage choice can not exceed $6.00 (including tax)
Leaving a comment will count as your entry in, only 1 entry per person is permitted.
All games are for non-alcohol beverages only.
Winner will be selected the next day around 9am.
To guarantee there's a winner, we need a minimum of 10 players per game.

Don't forget to come back and claim your prize
after you've been notified, you're a winner.
Current Can Count on July 25th 2024
Congratulations to Our.
Thirsty Thursday Winner
Wendy S
Razzleberry LaCroix please
My desire is something cherry
Bubly Pineapple Coconut seltzer water cans