(NEW) All games now close at 9:00PM
(NEW) Must have a minimum of 10 players to have a winner!
1 Million Cans Man offers you a chance to pick your own flavor in any size
container, (aluminum, plastic, glass or metal).
Game is played every Thursday from 9am until 9:00pm
You tell us what flavor you want, and what size you want it in.
You decide if you want it in paper cup, plastic bottle, aluminum cans, carton, etc;
Your beverage choice can not exceed $6.00 (including tax)
Leaving a comment will count as your entry in, only 1 entry per person is permitted.
All games are for non-alcohol beverages only.
Winner will be selected the next day around 9am.
To guarantee there's a winner, we need a minimum of 10 players per game.
Don't forget to come back and claim your prize
after you've been notified, you're a winner.
I like zero sugar tropical 7 up
Citrus bubbly cans please
Not again! 3 days in a row and we don't have a winner. We needed 10 players and only had 4. Next time you see the number of players being low....
Call your friends and have jump in and play the games.
Current Can Count
Campbell's tomato juice, 64 oz jug, please.
Diet Pepsi cans please